Personalized OSHA Manual
Printed on high quality paper, and you'll receive a master copy of the manual contents on a USB drive for future updates.
Price: $200
The manual is personalized to your facility, and is an essential part of your OSHA program. The manual contains:

- Hazard Communication Plan (GHS compliant)
- Globally Harmonized System Training
- Safety Information from A-Z
- Infection Control Plan
- Job Hazard Assessments.
- Personal Protective Equipment Information
- Emergency Action Plan
- Workplace Violence Prevention
- Accident Investigation Procedures
- Employee Training Confirmation Forms
- Annual Safety Review Statement
- OSHA 300 Forms
- Illness and Injury Prevention Program if applicable to your state
- Indoor Air Quality Plan if applicable to your state
* Download the Personalization Questions for your order.
Please allow 5-7 business days for personalization and printing.

Four Part OSHA Training (Power Point on USB drive)

Price: $150
Part One: OSHA Overview, the Globally Harmonized System and Safety Data Sheets
Part Two: Infection Control and Zoonotic Diseases
Part Three: Safety from A (Anesthetic) to Z (Zoonotic Disease Prevention)
Part Four: Emergency Actions and Workplace Violence Prevention
You'll receive several printed copies of the quizzes and the Master Copies are on the USB drive. Completed quizzes document your staff training, and quiz answers are provided for you.
Four Part OSHA Training - Printed Slide Copies in a Binder
Price: $250
Slide copies of the Training described above are printed two per page on high quality paper. They are arranged in a binder with tab dividers separating each section. You'll also receive copies of the quizzes found throughout the training. Quiz answers are included for you.
The printed slide copies are an excellent way to train your staff without using a computer, or just to have available as a handy reference.

Safety Data Sheets on USB Drive
Price: $200
You'll receive 450+ Safety Data Sheets for products commonly used in veterinary facilites.
The USB Drive is accompanied by a binder with the Hazardous Chemical Master List. If a product doesn't contain a Hazardous Chemical it will be noted as such, which lets your employees know the product has been addressed.
Download the Product List here.